Intelligent I-N listens to nature through our choices of ingredients that are grown organically and certified as such. We believe Smart Beauty Makes a World of Difference for you and for the planet. That guiding statement for our company keeps us accountable to making choices that support the health of the planet’s resources, the farmers who grow the raw materials that we use in our products, the workers who harvest and extract these ingredients and the end consumer who is putting them on their face and body. The seals and certifications that we choose to be held accountable by third party organizations and support our business practices show our transparency and commitment to making safe and healthy products.
Nature and its resources are changing daily due to Climate Change and warming of the planet. At Intelligent I-N we have a responsibility to make the best and most informed decisions daily that support sustainability now and for the future. That means evaluating the latest technology for plant powered ingredients, their functions and what is the smartest way we can use Nature to help create our products. If the path doesn’t support our guiding statement, then we keep working on one that does.
Education is the best path for engaging more consumers to become aware of the benefits of certified organic ingredients overall. The more transparent companies can be regarding their choices and what guides their decisions is what wins the interest and long-term loyalty of the end user. Thankfully, the consumer has started to “see the light” in terms of how the planet is rapidly changing, how resources are becoming harder to come by and how swaths of naturally grown lands are becoming damaged. All the smaller beauty brands that have come into being over the last decade have certainly made a difference in catching the attention of the consumer and that momentum isn’t stopping any time soon.